Tuesday, December 14, 2010

False Alarm

On Friday night while I was at work, I started having contractions at about 11 pm. The contractions got worse as the night went on and starting at about 3am they were every 3-5 minutes. Starting about 4:30, I tried calling Daddy with no luck! I called my boss at about 5:30 and told her I was going to need to go to the hospital. I finally got ahold of Mal, left work at about 6, and she met me at the hospital. After being forced to walk for a couple of hours, the contractions stopped and I was sent home. All in all, it was a good thing, bc Dr. Hurst wasn't on call. I slept the rest if the day and all night, and woke up Sunday feeling great! I'm still having irregular contractions, but nothing like the pain on Saturday. I'm scheduled for my induction on Monday, so that's the plan, unless I go in to labor beforehand!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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