Thursday, December 9, 2010

37 week appointment

I had my 37 week appointment yesterday and I gained 2 more pounds. That makes 27 total pounds gained! Whatever.. I don't care anymore!

I was dilated to 2-3 cm and 50% effaced. Lots of progression since last week and I'm feeling it. I feel lots of pressure and tightness. My hips and legs hurt and ache. I still haven't had any back pain, which is weird, especially because it's so different from last time! I've definitely got a great appetite, and eat plenty! I've also been really thirsty! I'll drink two of my jugs of water through the night and several during the day! Not to mention the tea and occasional coke I add in! One weird thing is that I've been really nauseated! Not stomach bug style, more like morning sickness. It will come on like a flash and leave just as quick! Strange!

The plan is this: my induction is officially scheduled for December 20th, "if I last that long". Per Dr Hurst. He made this comment several tomes during my appt, and said.."if your water breaks, you know where to find me!"

Personally, I have 4 more shifts to work and I really want to finish them out! It's not critical or life altering if I don't, just helpful! Ultimately, I know HE is in control and she'll make her appearance whenever they're ready!

Once again, please keep us in your prayers!

-B & L

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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